Nata Venezolana


Nata Venezolana. Latin-Americam Sour Cream. Venezuelan Style 12oz

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Nata Venezolana. In case you are not aware, we refer to an easy to spread cream produced from raw cow’s milk as “Nata.” It’s truly creamy, slightly tangy, and savory. In Venezuela, arepas, casabe (cassava bread), cachapas (corn pancakes) and hallaquitas including the ones from pork (Chicharrón) and corn (Maíz) are eaten or served with Nata.

A typical Venezuelan morning consists of arepas, caraotas negras (black beans), perico (Venezuelan scrambled eggs), shredded white cheese, and Nata. This delectable cream is a crucial component of the dish. Any mouth waters at the mere thought of any of the images just described.

Nata Venezolana, a rich and adaptable ingredient. Nata cream elevates a variety of meals to a gourmet level and  will improve the taste and feel of your dishes whether you use it to top them off or to make a rich creamy sauce. Thus, why not try Nata Venezolana and discover all of the delectable culinary options it offers.

Every country has its own buttermilk, or sour cream as it is refer to. This quality sour cream of milk is the result of a work involving the best ingredients the market has to offer. Thus the end result is a delightful cream full of flavor and richness. The thicken cream that forms from scalding raw milk is Nata. It has a genuinely syrupy flavor and is smooth, creamy, and velvety.

Spain is the country of origin of nata cream, commonly referred to as “crema de nata” or “nata líquida.” It is a kind of dairy that is comparable to heavy or double cream. Thus, is frequently an ingredient in Spanish, or Latin-American cooking. The main distinction between nata cream and ordinary cream is the higher fat level. As a result, it has a richer, thicker consistency than ordinary cream.

Additional information

Weight 1.50000000 lbs